Flux Ecosystem

All entries on this page were added by people who worked on these and thus self-identified as being part of the Flux Ecosystem.

Products and Services built on top of Flux

Complete list

VendorProduct / ServiceLink
AWSEKS AnywhereDocumentation
AzureAKS + Azure ArcDocumentation
ControlPlaneEnterprise Distribution for FluxProduct Page
Giant SwarmKubernetes PlatformDocumentation
NutanixD2iQ Kubernetes Management PlatformProduct page
VMwareTanzuProduct Page

Flux UIs / GUIs

These open source projects offer a dedicated graphical user interface for Flux.

gimlet-io/capacitorCapacitor is a general purpose Flux UI to debug Flux and application issues. Apply these manifests to install it.
vmware-tanzu/kubeappsKubeapps is an in-cluster web-based application that enables users with a one-time installation to deploy, manage, and upgrade applications on a Kubernetes cluster. Read the documentation for managing Flux packages using Kubeapps.
weaveworks/vscode-gitops-toolsGitOps Tools for Visual Studio Code: provides an intuitive way to manage, troubleshoot and operate your Kubernetes environment following the GitOps operating model
weaveworks/weave-gitopsWeaveworks offered a free and open source GUI for Flux under the weave-gitops project. You can install the Weave GitOps UI using a Flux HelmRelease, please see the get started documentation for more details.


VS Code GitOps Tools

Weave GitOps

Flux Extensions

These open source projects extend Flux with new capabilities.

controlplaneio-fluxcd/flux-operatorAn operator that manages the lifecycle of Flux and automates the upgrade of the Flux CRDs and controllers.
flux-iac/tofu-controllerA Flux controller for managing Terraform (and OpenTofu) resources.
pelotech/jsonnet-controllerA Flux controller for managing manifests declared in jsonnet.
kcl-lang/flux-kcl-controllerA Flux controller for managing manifests declared in KCL.
kluctl/flux-kluctl-controllerA Flux controller for managing Kluctl deployments.
awslabs/aws-cloudformation-controller-for-fluxA Flux controller for managing AWS CloudFormation stacks.
open-component-model/ocm-controllerA Flux controller for managing products represented by an OCM-based release train descriptor.
xUnholy/fluxcd-kustomize-mutating-webhookA Flux mutating webhook allowing for the federation and use of global platform configuration stored in a central namespace.


These projects make use of Flux to offer GitOps capabilities to their users.

23technologies/gardener-extension-shoot-fluxGardener implements the automated management and operation of Kubernetes clusters as a service. With this extension fresh clusters will be reconciled to the state defined in the Git repository by the Flux controller.
DataDog/integrations-extraThe Datadog Agent is software that runs on your hosts. It collects events and metrics from hosts and sends them to Datadog, where you can analyze your monitoring and performance data.
fidelity/kraanKraan is a Kubernetes Controller that manages the deployment of HelmReleases to a cluster.
flux-subsystem-argo/flamingo🚧 Technology preview: FSA (aka Flamingo) is Flux Subsystem for Argo. FSA’s container image can be used as a drop-in replacement for the equivalent ArgoCD version to visualize, and manage Flux workloads, along side ArgoCD.
kubevela/kubevelaKubeVela integrates fluxcd well for Helm Chart delivery and GitOps, and provide multi-cluster capabilities.
microsoft/gitops-connectorA GitOps Connector integrates a GitOps operator with CI/CD orchestrator.
pulumi/pulumi-kubernetes-operatorThis operator runs Pulumi programs, and can fetch them via Flux sources.
stefanprodan/timoniTimoni is a package manager for Kubernetes, powered by CUE and inspired by Helm. Timoni can be used together with Flux to create a GitOps delivery pipeline for Timoni’s module instances.
telekom/das-schiffThis is home of Das Schiff - Deutsche Telekom Technik’s engine for Kubernetes Cluster as a Service (CaaS) in on-premise environment on top of bare-metal servers and VMs.
eksctl-io/eksctlThe official CLI for creating and managing Kubernetes clusters on Amazon EKS.

Ancillary Tools

The functionality of Flux can be easily extended with ancillary utility tools. Here is a list of tools we like. If yours is missing, feel free to send a PR to add it.

jgz/s3-auth-proxyCreates a simple basic-auth proxy for an s3 bucket.README
raffis/gitops-zombiesIdentify kubernetes resources which are not managed by GitOpsREADME
renovatebot/renovateUniversal dependency update tool that fits into your workflows.Automated Dependency Updates for Flux
tarioch/flux-check-hookA pre-commit that validates values of HelmRelease using helm lintREADME
brainfair/flux2-bitbucketpipeline-dispatcherA middleware that triggers Flux promotion pipelines for BitBucket Cloud.README

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