Troubleshooting cheatsheet

Showcase various ways to get more information out of Flux controllers to debug potential problems.

Getting basic information

Show all Flux objects that are not ready

flux get all -A --status-selector ready=false

Show flux warning events

kubectl get events -n flux-system --field-selector type=Warning

Flux CLI (check for Ready=True and Suspend=False)

flux get sources all -A

See the CLI reference for get_sources_all.

kubectl (check for Ready=True)

kubectl get -A
kubectl get -A

Flux CLI (check for Ready=True and Suspend=False)

flux get kustomizations -A
flux get helmreleases -A

CLI reference for get_kustomizations and get_helmreleases.

kubectl (check for Ready=True)

kubectl get -A
kubectl get -A
kubectl get -A

Looking for controller errors:

flux logs --all-namespaces --level=error

Check controllers readiness and versions:

flux check

CLI reference for check.

Changes not being applied

  1. Are the sources up-to-date and ready? How to check:
    1. Grafana Dashboard - Flux Cluster Stats Cluster Dashboard
    2. Flux CLI (check for Ready=True and Suspend=False)
      flux get sources all -A
      See the CLI reference for get_sources_all.
    3. kubectl (check for Ready=True)
      kubectl get -A
      kubectl get -A
  2. Kustomization/HelmReleases configured and ready? How to check:
    1. Grafana Dashboard - Flux Cluster Stats
    2. Flux CLI (check for Ready=True and Suspend=False)
      flux get kustomizations -A
      flux get helmreleases -A
      CLI reference for get_kustomizations and get_helmreleases.
    3. kubectl (check for Ready=True)
      kubectl get -A
      kubectl get -A
      kubectl get -A

How do I resolve webhook does not support dry run errors?

If you’ve installed Kubernetes dynamic admission controls you may see Flux failing to reconcile with an error similar to dry-run failed, error: admission webhook "validation-service.default.svc" does not support dry run.

To fix this issue, you’ll have to find the ValidatingWebhookConfiguration or the MutatingWebhookConfiguration, and set the sideEffects to None or NoneOnDryRun:

kind: ValidatingWebhookConfiguration
- name:
  sideEffects: None

How do I resolve some/resource configured events spam?

If the controller emits change events for a specific resource (even if the resource hasn’t changed), you’ll need to edit your YAML manifests and remove any optional field that is set to null, empty string or empty object.

Example of empty fields that will trigger drift events:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Example
  name: example
  field1: null
  field2: {}
  field3: []

The kustomize-controller detects drift between the manifests and the in-cluster resources by running a server-side apply dry-run, removing the empty fields from your manifests will help the controller detect drift correctly.

How do I resolve a Request entity too large: limit is 3145728 error during Helm install or upgrade?

This error is returned by Helm when the release that is attempted to be made does not fit in a Secret. Most of the time this is due to exceptionally large (umbrella) charts, as explained in helm/helm#8281.

If you are running into this, confirm first that your chart has all the required excludes in their respective .helmignore and .sourceignore files.

How to debug “not ready” errors?

Misconfiguring the HelmRelease.spec.chart, like a typo in the chart name, version or chart source URL would result in a “HelmChart is not ready” error displayed by:

$ flux get helmreleases --all-namespaces
default  	podinfo	False 	HelmChart 'default/default-podinfo' is not ready

In order to get to the root cause, first make sure the source e.g. the HelmRepository is configured properly and has access to the remote index.yaml:

$ flux get sources helm --all-namespaces
default   	podinfo	False	failed to fetch : 404 Not Found

If the source is Ready, then the error must be caused by the chart, for example due to an invalid chart name or non-existing version:

$ flux get sources chart --all-namespaces
default  	default-podinfo	False	no chart version found for podinfo-9.0.0

How to debug “install retries exhausted” errors?

By default, Flux performs a health check of all the Kubernetes resources created at install time. If any resource fails to become ready after five minutes, the HelmRelease will be marked as not ready:

$ flux get helmreleases --all-namespaces
default  	podinfo	False 	install retries exhausted

To find the resource that caused the installation failure, you can print the events of the Helm release with:

$ kubectl describe helmrelease podinfo -n default
  Type    Reason  Age    From             Message
  ----    ------  ----   ----             -------
  Normal  info    2m23s  helm-controller  Helm install has started
  Normal  error   82s    helm-controller  Helm install failed: timed out waiting for the condition

Last Helm logs:

creating 4 resource(s)
beginning wait for 4 resources with timeout of 5m0s
Deployment is not ready: default/podinfo. 0 out of 1 expected pods are ready

To inspect the failing resources, you can disable the health checks with:

kind: HelmRelease
 name: podinfo
 namespace: default
   disableWait: true
   disableWait: true

With disableWait: true, Flux will no longer wait for the resources to become ready, so you can inspect the deployment and find the underlying issue e.g. kubectl describe deployment podinfo.

How do I resolve a unable to open the Badger database that puts image-reflector-controller in CrashLoopBackOff?

This error is commonly found in low-memory environments where an Out Of Memory condition is likely to be experienced, like on Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 boards which have only 1GB of RAM each.

If you are on Raspbian, the default size of 100MB swap file is not large enough to avoid the fault condition, and can be updated through configuration in /etc/dphys-swapfile: add at least 1GB swap.