Flux events

How to monitor the Flux events

The Flux controllers emit Kubernetes events during the reconciliation operation to provide information about the object being reconciled. Unlike logs, events are always associated with an object, which is a Flux resource in this case. Events are supplemental data that can be used along with logs to provide a complete picture of controllers’ operations. Some of the events emitted by Flux controllers are also used to send notifications. See the Alerts docs to learn more about the Flux Alerts based on events from controllers. In the following sections, we will go through the Flux events and how to interpret them.

Kubernetes events

The Flux controller events about a resource contain the following fields:

  • type can be Normal or Warning
  • firstTimestamp timestamp in the ISO 8601 format
  • lastTimestamp timestamp in the ISO 8601 format
  • message info or warning description
  • reason short machine understandable string
  • involvedObject the API version, kind, name and namespace of the Flux object
  • metadata.annotations the Flux specific metadata e.g. source revision
  • source.component the Flux controller name where the event originated from.


Example of a Normal event produced by kustomize-controller:

  "kind": "Event",
  "apiVersion": "v1",
  "metadata": {
    "name": "flux-system.177bd633e296a292",
    "namespace": "flux-system",
    "annotations": {
      "kustomize.toolkit.fluxcd.io/revision": "main@sha1:802723078affd3eb2a3898630261ab3ca5d6dd40"
  "involvedObject": {
    "kind": "Kustomization",
    "namespace": "flux-system",
    "name": "flux-system",
    "apiVersion": "kustomize.toolkit.fluxcd.io/v1",
  "reason": "ReconciliationSucceeded",
  "message": "Reconciliation finished in 436.493292ms, next run in 10m0s",
  "source": {
    "component": "kustomize-controller"
  "firstTimestamp": "2023-08-16T10:26:43Z",
  "lastTimestamp": "2023-08-16T10:26:43Z",
  "type": "Normal",

In the above example:

  • The event is about a Kustomization named flux-system in the flux-system namespace, indicated by the involvedObject field.
  • The event originates from kustomize-controller, indicated by the source.component field.
  • The event is a Normal type event about a successful reconciliation, indicated by the reason and message fields.
  • The metadata.annotations field kustomize.toolkit.fluxcd.io/revision contains information about the source revision that was successfully applied as a result of successful reconciliation of the Kustomization.

Example of a Warning event produced by source-controller:

    "apiVersion": "v1",
    "count": 4,
    "eventTime": null,
    "firstTimestamp": "2023-08-22T20:24:06Z",
    "involvedObject": {
        "apiVersion": "source.toolkit.fluxcd.io/v1",
        "kind": "GitRepository",
        "name": "podinfo",
        "namespace": "default",
        "resourceVersion": "1284973",
        "uid": "2c2ed1da-556f-4793-863d-7d96e8bab3f5"
    "kind": "Event",
    "lastTimestamp": "2023-08-22T20:24:18Z",
    "message": "failed to checkout and determine revision: unable to clone 'https://github.com/stefanprodan/podinfo': couldn't find remote ref \"refs/tags/v1.8.9\"",
    "metadata": {
        "creationTimestamp": "2023-08-22T20:24:06Z",
        "name": "podinfo.177dce48bc7db3a4",
        "namespace": "default",
        "resourceVersion": "1285016",
        "uid": "3c8f568a-c99b-4279-8093-6ef08fae325b"
    "reason": "GitOperationFailed",
    "reportingComponent": "",
    "reportingInstance": "",
    "source": {
        "component": "source-controller"
    "type": "Warning"

In the above example:

  • The event is about a GitRepository named podinfo in the default namespace, indicated by the involvedObject field.
  • The event originates from source-controller, indicated by the source.component field.
  • The event is a Warning type event about a failed Git operation, indicated by the reason and message fields.

Events inspection with kubectl

The events associated with a Flux resource can be queried using kubectl events command:

$ kubectl events -n flux-system --for kustomization/flux-system
LAST SEEN   TYPE     REASON                    OBJECT                      MESSAGE
58m         Normal   ReconciliationSucceeded   Kustomization/flux-system   Reconciliation finished in 448.00332ms, next run in 10m0s
48m         Normal   ReconciliationSucceeded   Kustomization/flux-system   Reconciliation finished in 486.826649ms, next run in 10m0s
38m         Normal   ReconciliationSucceeded   Kustomization/flux-system   Reconciliation finished in 502.282127ms, next run in 10m0s
28m         Normal   ReconciliationSucceeded   Kustomization/flux-system   Reconciliation finished in 543.745587ms, next run in 10m0s
18m         Normal   ReconciliationSucceeded   Kustomization/flux-system   Reconciliation finished in 465.177441ms, next run in 10m0s
8m27s       Normal   ReconciliationSucceeded   Kustomization/flux-system   Reconciliation finished in 494.543068ms, next run in 10m0s

This shows all the events associated with the queried resource in an hour.

Events inspection with flux CLI

The events associated with a Flux resource can be queried using the flux events CLI command:

$ flux events --for Kustomization/flux-system
LAST SEEN       TYPE    REASON                  OBJECT                          MESSAGE
52m             Normal  ReconciliationSucceeded Kustomization/flux-system       Reconciliation finished in 506.467ms, next run in 10m0s
42m             Normal  ReconciliationSucceeded Kustomization/flux-system       Reconciliation finished in 531.072726ms, next run in 10m0
32m             Normal  ReconciliationSucceeded Kustomization/flux-system       Reconciliation finished in 506.673992ms, next run in 10m0
22m             Normal  ReconciliationSucceeded Kustomization/flux-system       Reconciliation finished in 512.255817ms, next run in 10m0
12m             Normal  ReconciliationSucceeded Kustomization/flux-system       Reconciliation finished in 507.521248ms, next run in 10m0
2m31s           Normal  ReconciliationSucceeded Kustomization/flux-system       Reconciliation finished in 448.00332ms, next run in 10m0s

This can also be used to watch all the events issues by the Flux controllers across all the namespaces:

$ flux events --all-namespaces --watch
NAMESPACE       LAST SEEN               TYPE    REASON                  OBJECT                          MESSAGE
flux-system     34m (x3 over 154m)      Normal  GitOperationSucceeded   GitRepository/flux-system       no changes since last reconcilation: observed revision 'main@sha1:4d768edba5d409feb60870dd3b0ac0d307299898'
flux-system     54m     Normal  ReconciliationSucceeded Kustomization/flux-system       Reconciliation finished in 486.814878ms, next run in 10m0s
flux-system     44m     Normal  ReconciliationSucceeded Kustomization/flux-system       Reconciliation finished in 486.203813ms, next run in 10m0s
flux-system     34m     Normal  ReconciliationSucceeded Kustomization/flux-system       Reconciliation finished in 512.160373ms, next run in 10m0s
flux-system     24m     Normal  ReconciliationSucceeded Kustomization/flux-system       Reconciliation finished in 543.806383ms, next run in 10m0s
flux-system     14m     Normal  ReconciliationSucceeded Kustomization/flux-system       Reconciliation finished in 524.293527ms, next run in 10m0s
flux-system     4m5s    Normal  ReconciliationSucceeded Kustomization/flux-system       Reconciliation finished in 522.671955ms, next run in 10m0s
flux-system     47s     Normal  ReconciliationSucceeded Kustomization/flux-system       Reconciliation finished in 523.892245ms, next run in 10m0s
flux-system     34m     Normal  ReconciliationSucceeded Kustomization/monitoring-configs        Reconciliation finished in 104.609707ms, next run in 1h0m0s
flux-system     42s     Normal  ReconciliationSucceeded Kustomization/monitoring-configs        Reconciliation finished in 90.70521ms, next run in 1h0m0s
flux-system     34m     Normal  ReconciliationSucceeded Kustomization/monitoring-controllers    Reconciliation finished in 118.651968ms, next run in 1h0m0s
flux-system     39s     Normal  ReconciliationSucceeded Kustomization/monitoring-controllers    Reconciliation finished in 132.34839ms, next run in 1h0m0s
monitoring      34m (x3 over 154m)      Normal  ArtifactUpToDate        HelmChart/monitoring-kube-prometheus-stack      artifact up-to-date with remote revision: '48.3.3'
monitoring      34m (x3 over 154m)      Normal  ArtifactUpToDate        HelmChart/monitoring-loki-stack artifact up-to-date with remote revision: '2.9.11'

Refer to the flux events CLI docs to learn more about it.